Friday, 14 September 2012

One strange cloud is heading towards the center of our galaxy

Scientists are monitoring unusual gas and dust cloud, which every day more and more flows into the black hole, located in the center of the Milky Way.
Earlier, astronomers announced the discovery of gas and dust cloud enveloping the young star, who is torn, located near the giant black hole. All of this cosmic phenomenon happening right in the heart of our galaxy, "the Milky Way."
Located in the center of our galaxy, a supermassive black hole called Sagittarius A. NITC Scientists estimate that its mass reaches 4.3 million solar masses. A sufficiently small amount of light means that there is too much material has penetrated into this black hole.
Also, recently a radio source Sagittarius A, scientists have observed using Very Large Teleskopp VLT, located in Chile, noting near the huge gas-dust cloud mass exceeding 3 times the mass of our planet. Glowing cloud is moving rapidly at a rate of 8.4 million kilometers per hour, heading for the center of our galaxy.
According to scientists, the cloud in June 2013 should be close to the central black hole in our galaxy. It emits almost 5 times more light than it radiates sun.
Scientists do not interest ceases to observe the behavior of the cloud, assuming that it is a consequence of the formation of a black hole gap young star.

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